Here is the Creative Memories box. It works well, but can only hold about 15 layouts with embellishments. I really like it though, keeps everything in place really well.
This is the inside and the files. They are just simple white files. They are tabbed, not sure why. I never use the tabs. I'm sure there is a reason though. If you are using this box, you have to use the files. I tried the cardboard and it is a little too big to fit in the box. Just a thought.
This is another box that I use to put my layouts in. I got it at Hobby Lobby. It fits the cardboard great! And can fit like 20 layouts with embellishments.
Okay, after you have printed all your photos, you spread out all your files. I only showed the white files for aesthetic purposes, but you can use cardboard! I needed more that you see here, so I did use cardboard!
Next, you take your photos and lay them on the white files. I organize mine by date and event of photos taken. Sometimes I may only need one layout for an event. Other times, I may have too many photos for one layout, so I might have to sort 2 or 3 layouts within one event.
After I sort all my photos, I look for ideas! I have several magazines and magazine pages ripped out and put in binders. Sometimes I can look at my photos and know exactly what I want to do. Other times, I have no idea and I need some guidance. This is where I store the guidance! Sometimes I use just a magazine, other times I pull out random pages from the binders. This time I used a magazine and got lots of ideas from it!
It took me about 6 hours total to power sort all my photos for the retreat! I didn't count how many layouts I will be doing, but I have 3 boxes full of layouts! These pictures are all the photos I have taken from January 2011 to May 2011. I have a lot to accomplish!!!! If I really focus, I should get most of it done! My record for pages done at a retreat was 85! That is 42 and 1/2 layouts!!!!! Hopefully I will accomplish my goal! I want to start scrapping pictures from this summer!!! Especially my trip! I will post pics from the retreat and let you know if I made my goal! Thanks for looking!!!!