I used some backing to stiffen up the fabric, then cut the flowers with my Cricut. I used the Songbird cart. I then put them together with a fancy brad and hot glued it to a hairband. Really simple, but you do have to be careful getting the backing on the fabric.
While I was at it, I also finally made a layout to go into a frame I bought at IKEA last summer! I found this cute glitter paper at Hobby Lobby, and it matched perfectly with the comforter I have in there on the guest bed.
I used my Cricut again to cut out our initials and the flower and birds. Songbird cart...love it!
Here is a close -up of it. I think it turned out super cute! The lovebirds is Songbird cart as well.
I didn't do much, but I still had a blast working in the room. Thanks for looking!